Moments in Eternity
Life is a moment that appears in eternity. This moment is the grace of awakening guiding you inward to the essence of your sacred light. Breathing in, turn your attention to the spaciousness of your being. All the breath to guide you to deeper and deeper silence. The is a zone that is accessed the spacious realm behind the activity of the mind. This is the miracle zone the realm of potential, creativity and the beauty of your true self. Moment to moment we live in eternity
· Mountains are formed in the miracle of each moment.
· The oceans rise in the light of each day,
· The Sun appears and disappears on earth traveling to give wamth to all ares of the planet.
· The rains come to nurture the earth and assist all of life to grow.
· All moments of life are orchestrated by the living or Atma, called creation.
· The work of each Soul is to follow the rhythm of the creators, sacred art. and be in harmony with its beauty, love and truth
· Light is the eyes of God shining upon you
· The Love within your hearts is the same love that the creator shares with its creation through beauty, love and truth.
· Give to life as if you are a co-creator, for you are in reality a spark of the Divine, you have the same see of Creation, because you are Gods, creative force. This is a simple act of service and will bring a great a grace to your life as love is grace