message from Mary Magdalene…
“Mine is the the path of the Rose, the Path of Unification🌹
Surrender, receptivity, beauty way
Circles upon circles gather and surround, radiating Divine Light and Love unto you Dear One
You are so precious. You are so Sacred. Open Your Sacred Heart♥️ and let this glory rain down upon you!
You dear precious soul are so beautiful and worthy.
Breath is so sacred🙏💙
as you breathe in, may you receive the paradise of love and as you breathe out, may you celebrate this gift of life.
I am with you beautiful soul, I hold your hand gently, easefully… I AM WITH YOU. Guiding you towards the glorious life of joy, peace, creation and fascination And your Divine expression to the most glorious life you choose.
Everything awaits you dear one, all that you have dreamt wished and hoped for. Feel the petals of your heart open one by one as you remember the truth. 🌹
You are cherished and you are Sacred and you are loved. Always.”
Love eternal, Mary Magdalene⚜️🌹⚜️
By Beth Keough
Light is the essence of your soul that is unveiled through your inner awakening. This profound life experience occurs through the release of identification and the holding of the past. When you begin this process, your light shines brighter and transforms and heals whatever it shines on.
This is the magic and power of light.
Your radiant light is the same frequency of your Soul Star chakra, beyond the limitations of the physical body. This sacred light is discovered through the space and silence of your inner heart. Your inner light has all the wisdom of the holy realm, it is your true and ever abiding nature. This radiant light is not subject to conditioning, the past, your identification with anything or you’re wounding.
When the love of your soul aligns with the light of your soul, the magic of creation within you comes alive. You become a beacon of knight and live each moment aware of it’s presence. You naturally create a life that is in harmony with your inner light.
This life is for healing separation. This life is to remember who you are. The light of the creator shines on all beings that ask for guidance. Marriage of the human soul, with the spirit of God is the path of remembering your divine origin. Unity with your source is the gift of remembering.
Each day, take moments to turn within and rest in your sacred heart. Ask and you shall receive the blessings of the divine, through your asking your frequency raises to the truth of Gods light that is guiding you home. Give your heart to the presence within. Through your giving you will receive the light of the Divine. Surrender your sorrows and human errors. Allow the perfection of the creators love to correct the errors of the human realm so that you may be of service to help others. See the light of your inner most being. Feel the love that is the reason for your birth. Know the origin of your existence as one of a seed of God’s creation. Trust in your souls purpose, to become self realized, knowing this is the true meaning of the spiritual path. Mankind has been ignorant of the meaning of this most precious life.
You have the invitation to learn what it means to be a spiritual being in a human form, you are being called home to the kingdom. The signs of being called are one of deep surrender of all tendencies to believe in separation, all tendencies to react to this temporary world. Identification is what causes deep sorrow.
The way to peace is to live as if you were a drop in the ocean that knows its source is the ocean. To live as a bird that leaves not a trace in the sky. To live as the lotus that has its roots in the mud, but is free from the identification with the mud knowing that all things are Grace for your self-realization, All experiences are a blessing that is carrying you home Through your willingness to receive this grace you will fly as the angelic being that you, are on your journey home to your true essence of love, Master Jeshua
Life is a moment that appears in eternity. This moment is the grace of awakening guiding you inward to the essence of your sacred light. Breathing in, turn your attention to the spaciousness of your being. All the breath to guide you to deeper and deeper silence. The is a zone that is accessed the spacious realm behind the activity of the mind. This is the miracle zone the realm of potential, creativity and the beauty of your true self. Moment to moment we live in eternity
· Mountains are formed in the miracle of each moment.
· The oceans rise in the light of each day,
· The Sun appears and disappears on earth traveling to give wamth to all ares of the planet.
· The rains come to nurture the earth and assist all of life to grow.
· All moments of life are orchestrated by the living or Atma, called creation.
· The work of each Soul is to follow the rhythm of the creators, sacred art. and be in harmony with its beauty, love and truth
· Light is the eyes of God shining upon you
· The Love within your hearts is the same love that the creator shares with its creation through beauty, love and truth.
· Give to life as if you are a co-creator, for you are in reality a spark of the Divine, you have the same see of Creation, because you are Gods, creative force. This is a simple act of service and will bring a great a grace to your life as love is grace
Soul Renewal
Now is the time to renew your life force and begin again walking in the light of your soul, You are simply a Seed of the divine, and you must nurture this inner seed for it to grow and evolve in the highest good.
You are the precious life force of God, who is breathing you, walking you hand in hand home to the kingdom. Within your heart sacred lives, the light of your Divine being shines on your path guiding you, protecting you and healing your sorrow. The only requirement is for you to release the mis-dentification with the separate nature of yourself. The ego has been created by the mind who has wandered off without the light of your soul. This is the root of all sorrow. Time is for the purpose to see this illusion that has been created by the mind and return to the light of your soul. This is the initiation that is required to walk through the gateway of the heart into the holy chamber within you.
Letting go to the veil of the ego is to simply to return to pure being, which is your divine reality. This Divine reality is free from the thought of the separate nature of the self. Allow the breath of the divine to lift your soul to the heaven realm. Breathing out, release the barriers that have been created by the mind The mind when unified with its source becomes a servant for awakening, it recognizes its source that is pure consciousness. The heart is the chalice of supreme being and will heal the roots of separation. Give yourself the gift of true abiding love of your being, know that you are simply a child of God. Through your love you will expand into the light of consciousness, for it is within the divine heart that true love lives and this love is the light of God
To Love Yourself
To Love yourself is to know yourself as a child of God with all the potential of a beautiful flower in the garden of your soul. Your Soul is meant to express this most sacred love, for it is the breath that breathes you, it is the source of your soul's purpose. The more you awaken the love within you the more you nurture the garden of your soul.
You are a beautiful flower in the garden of i your soul, your inner work is to tend to your inner garden.
This self-love is truly deep soul care, which guides you to release the layers of conditioning that have inhibited your inner flowering,
Your love is the witnessing of your soul’s garden, creating beauty, love and truth in each moment, moment to moment making up the span of your life. This is the invitation to end self-afflicted suffering.
Live your life as a song, where each moment, each breath is your song of devotion. Give yourself the space that you need to awaken the Lotus of your soul.
Know that through your awakening you are on the path to your Divine potential, living your life as an offering to God. See the sorrow that has been created through misidentification of with the separate self and know yourself as the unchanging essence of infinite beauty.
When you witness the truth of your sacred being you will easily let go of the false nature of the self. For your sacred being nurtures your vital force, and is naturally joyful, naturally peaceful and naturally good,
These qualities are the essence of your true nature, and all that is not aligned with your true nature falls away in the grace of awakening,
Excerpts from The Grace of Yourself
Your real nature is grounded in beingness, light and thrives in freedom from the constricts of the mind. The mind when turned inward to rest in your heart. the altar of your soul develops great compassion, forgiveness and is nurtured through the daily practice of letting go accumulated thought and emotion,
Your sacred heart is a place in which you can rest, renew and recalibrate your life force to align with your Divine Source. This sanctuary within is alive with wisdom, truth, joy and light which will guide you on the path of a holy vibration free from self-afflicted suffering.
Excerpt from the upcoming book “Grace of Awakening” by Jaya Sarada.
There is an ever-abiding light within you waiting in stillness. This is the light of
your true nature, the sacred essence within you. You are destined for a great
encounter with your true reality. This reality which is before thought, before sensation
and before identification with anything, is your true self, pure and simple.
In all walks of life, whatever position you hold, taking time to nurture your true
nature is the greatest gift of self love. Your life and the roles you take on can be
played out with greater compassion, detachment and understanding when you know
deeply that you are not these roles or your conditioning. Within you is a sacred
being, worthy of attention, respect, and honor; know yourself as this sacred being.
Within your being is the unchanging nature of pure consciousness. The meeting
with your true self, directly, without the interference of the activity of thought, is the answer to
all personal suffering. This meeting, which is always present, is recognized when there is pure
being-ness, when all activities of the personal self are in silence. A simple way of being is to
know that all passing states are temporary and to remain watchful, neither trying to run away nor
trying to hold onto these passing states.
From the book "Trust in Yourself" by Jaya Sarada