Luminous Gatherings

Please reserve your spot online.


Second Sunday Sound Bath


Sunday Sound Bath: Sound and Soul

SPRING RENEWAL with Sound Healing, Meditation and Reiki

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of sound healing. Through chakra alignment, heart balancing, and energy clearing, this experience invites deep relaxation and renewal. Let soothing vibrations guide you toward inner peace and harmony. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to 4. $45


Sunday Circle of Light

1st and 3rd Sunday 12-1:30

These Sundays offer compassionate, fun and supportive community along with inspirational messages, meditation, sound healing and guest facilitators. The service is about an hour is is followed by afternoon tea. Suggested donation $11.


Thursday Meditation, Energy and Sound Healing Gathering

Thursday Evening guided meditation with intuitive guidance and sound healing. Advanced online or phone registration required $33. Sign up below or call Jaya @541-264-1551


Soul Spa Parties


Saturday Soul Spa Parties

20% OFF Groups of 3 or More People (Min 2 hours)

Let us curate the perfect inspirational party for your group of 3 or more! Birthday dessert and tea can be added. Select from the following:

  • IET Angelic Healing

  • Oracle Readings

  • Sacred Soul Energy Healing

  • Numerology

  • Astrology

  • Massage/Reflexology

  • Bio-Field Tuning with Crystal Bowl Healing

  • Intuitive or Akashic Record Soul Reading

  • Energy Testing (Kinesiology)

  • Aura Picture with Chakra Balancing

  • Private Yoga

  • Sound Healing Journey

  • Reiki

To book your customized Soul Spa Party please email


Awakening Your Chakras


Awakening Your Chakras Class

Learn about your multidimensional energy fields and how to keep them balanced and clear.

Now offered as a private class

This class will include energy healing for the body, mind, and spirit as well you will learn about each chakra and how they play a vital part in your overall well-being. You will learn how to perform an energy test for imbalances in the chakras and powerful ways to bring healing and balance to your energy systems. This class with Jaya will bring you tools for energy renewal as well as keys to living a joyful life

This class includes learning many different energy healing methods as well as personal healing Private energy healing classes are offered at $60.00 per class, with discounts available for 4 or more classes Please contact Jaya for more information at 971-313-2383 or email